Regards sur l’eau

Regards sur l’eau

L’Assemblée Régionale des Radios Associatives vous présente « Regards sur l’eau », une série de portraits en 5min qui témoignent de la créativité dont savent faire preuve les radios associatives d’Occitanie.

En partenariat avec la région Occitanie / Pyrénées – Méditerranée

à écouter les lundis et samedis à 9h10 et sur le site de l’ARRA

Vivre ici – Jean Marie de Baecque et les portes ouvertes des Ateliers d’Artistes de Plaissan « Les Galets Rouges »

Vivre ici – Jean Marie de Baecque et les portes ouvertes des Ateliers d’Artistes de Plaissan « Les Galets Rouges »

Diffusion : Jeudi 23 Mars 2023 à 08h30 et 12h30

Animateur : Jean-Pierre FONOLLOSA

Invité : Jean-Marie de Baecque, artiste-créateur et membre du collectif des « Galets Rouges » à Plaissan, vous convie à un évènement qui aura lieu ce samedi 25 et dimanche 26 mars 2023, les portes ouvertes des Ateliers d’Artistes de Plaissan et cette année promet d’être une belle édition avec 24 artistes dans 16 lieux différents.

Glou glou – Marc Castan

Glou glou – Marc Castan


Diffusion : Vendredi 10 mars 10h

Rediffusion : Dimanche 12 mars 19h15


C’est à une émission entièrement hors les murs des studios que nous vous proposons en ce mois de mars, en balade et reportage.

Nous allons partir dans la cave et les vignes de Marc Castan à La Palme, près de l’étang de Leucate, dans l’Aude, au nord de l’appellation Fitou.

Nous allons évoquer le parcours de Marc, la reprise des vignes du grand-père il y a 20 ans, les débuts en cave coopérative, puis le choix en 2008 de s’installer, de créer son Domaine, Mamaruta (qui veut dire « coccinelle » en roumain), de passer tout de suite en bio et très vite en vinfication sans intrant.

Nous visiterons la cave puis partirons dans la camionnette de Marc à la découverte d’une de ses vignes de syrah, entourée de roseaux, dans un paysage de lagune, et à côté de laquelle pâture un troupeau de vaches highlands. Car Marc est aussi devenu éleveur, pour trouver un meilleur équilibre à la vigne.

Nous finirons par une dégustation des vins de Marc Castan, dans un futur haut lieu, à n’en pas douter, des vins vivants à Narbonne, La Part de l’Ange, de notre chroniqueur Thierry Guichard, qui doit ouvrir ses portes le 11 avril.



Rencontre cinéma de Pézenas – avec Myriam Boyer

Rencontre cinéma de Pézenas – avec Myriam Boyer

diffusion : jeudi 2 mars à 20h15
rediff : vendredi 3 mars à 13h

Troisième émission au cœur de la 60ème Rencontre cinéma de Pézenas, avec au micro de Jean Montussac : avec Myriam Boyer

Myriam Boyer, tout au long de sa carrière, n’a cessé de naviguer entre théâtre, cinéma et télévision. Sur grand écran, on la retrouve dans plus d’une quarantaine de longs-métrages sous la direction de grands réalisateurs français comme Claude Sautet, Alain Corneau, Bertrand Blier, Claude Lelouch, Claude Berri pour n’en citer que quelques-uns.
Myriam Boyer, très active sur les planches remporte un premier Molière de la meilleure comédienne en 1997 pour son rôle dans la pièce Qui a peur de Virginia Woolf ? et en 2008 reçoit un second Molière pour La vie devant soi d’après le roman de Romain Gary (alias Émile Ajar), mise en scène de Didier Long. Toujours présente au théâtre, elle prend part à des pièces connues comme Misery de Stephen King et William Goldman ainsi que La Maison de Bernarda Alba de Federico Garcia Lorca. Enfin, signalons que c’est en 1998 qu’elle passe derrière la caméra pour La mère Christain, long-métrage autobiographique. Elle réalise également en 2010 le téléfilm La vie devant soi, dans lequel elle reprend le rôle de Simone Signoret interprété dans le film de Moshe Mizrahi.

Best essay writing service is an sensational way to help you help save electricity and time on ending your academic assignments

Tips on How To Determine Best Essay Writing Service on Reddit Of All Others

Reddit is mostly a large website where people share their experiences and knowledge. Several of its users are college-aged students. These students often employ this platform to find help with academic writing.

Regardless if you are looking for a that will write your essay, you can get a number of different suggestions about subreddits. While there are tons of spammy threads on the topic, there are also genuine opinions about reputable essay writing services.

Best essay writing service on Reddit: BestEssayWritingServiceReddit

The corporation was established in 2008, and it is among the actual most well-liked essay writing companies on Reddit. It has papers for a large selection of projects, and they put emphasis on quality and customer satisfaction. They can be known for their excellent essay writers and high customer support ratings, and most customers praise the companys services on Reddit.

They may be available 24 / 7, and their writers have an array of backgrounds to pick from. The business also guarantees that your chosen work is certainly original and well-researched.

The best part is that they also offer discounts and bonuses for new and repeat customers. This can help you save large quantities of money and time during your essays.

BestEssayWritingServiceReddit is the best option for students who definitely are looking for an affordable essay writing service by way of a great reputation on Reddit. They possess many hundreds of positive reviews, and most Reddit users say they have a powerful expertise in them.

Top Essay Writing Service Reddit

Reddit often is the worlds most well-liked social community, with more than one million members and lots of subreddits. It features a choice of content to entertain and engage its users, including discussion topics, debates, help guides, support groups, and more.

BestEssayWritingServiceReddit may be a company that opened in 2008. They focus on custom academic papers and have a big fan base on Reddit. They have already experienced writers and are committed to providing high quality. They likewise have a bidding system and a substantial pool of qualified writers.

This company offers several essay writing services, and prices are reasonable. The service offers free revisions. They additionally accept charge cards and PayPal.

The corporation carries a team of professional writers, and these are generally available 7 days a week to help you with any writing project. They can write essays, dissertations, and research papers.

Despite their high price, BestEssayWritingServiceReddit is quite rated on Reddit and has actually been recommended by numerous customers. They supply fast turnaround times, high-quality work, and great customer service. If you are not satisfied with the quality of their work, they also guarantee a 100% money-back guarantee. This makes them an excellent choice for college students. They have a live chat feature and are more than pleased to answer questions you could have.

How to Find an Essay Writer on Reddit

Reddit has become the largest online communities, and a major cause of information. It really is a discussion forum or perhaps a marketplace where users can post questions or buy services. This consists of essay writers who offer academic assistance to students.

Plenty of good reasons why you will need to use an essay writing service. It usually is to meet certain deadlines or even to get help with a hard assignment. So you need to do your research before placing your order, choosing the right service can be challenging

Most reputable essay services have plenty of positive reviews on Reddit. However it is equally important to be wary of some scams. A number of these companies buy fake comments from bots to make their web page look more advanced than it really is.

Luckily, Reddit is moderated and has got a bidding system that means it is easier to locate a reliable writer. To gain access, you will want to have 50 points for your account, that will help screen out spam and false accounts.

BestEssayWritingServiceReddit is seen as a popular Reddit essay writing service which has been around for on the decade and contains a large fan base. They supply several essays at discount prices, and they allow for free revisions.

It is a great option for individuals who have busy schedules but need academic assistance. These people have a team of vetted professional essay writers who seem to be available to answer your queries and deliver high-quality work. They even give discounts to first-time customers, and there is a refund policy set up.

Where How Can You Get Best Essay Writing Service

Best essay writing service is an excellent way to save time and effort on completing your academic assignments. These companies can help with any variety of paper, from research papers to dissertations. They even offer revisions and a money-back guarantee.

An experienced company has a reputation for privacy and confidentiality. They are usually able to provide references for their writers, so you can be sure youre working with a professional.

Using essay writing services can be beneficial for your grades, but it is important to make sure you choose a reliable company. This will certainly stop you from being having and scammed your personal information stolen.

The best essay writing service should have an impressive background and be backed by strong guarantees. These guarantees should include plagiarism freeoriginality and content, and excellent quality.

These writers might also be able to help yourself on tight deadlines. Examples of these services even offer you a discount for repeat customers.

The best essay writing service may also be able to supply you with a free plagiarism report. If your essay was written from scratch, this is important because it will allow you to check

How to Find Essay Writing Reviews

Review essays are a form of writing which requires a writer to evaluate and discuss a texts tips. A review essay may also be used for other types of texts, although a good example of this is a book review

Choosing an appropriate topic for your essay is step one in the operation of writing a review essay. It a very good idea to compose a list of possible topics and take some time evaluating them.

Upon having selected a few of your alternatives, it really is time to start brainstorming. This is usually a fun way to receive your creative juices flowing and will offer some ideas for your essay.

In picking an appropriate topic for your essay, it is recommended to select one thats generally relevant to your field of study or that has some meaning to your life. This may help you focus your essay and write it more efficiently.

A reliable review essay should offer specific reasons and evidence to support your opinions on the subject. It will avoid criticizing this writer on the text and instead look into the way the book has affected you such as a person or influenced your perspective for the certain topic.

It is important to consider when writing a review essay is the way you might be going to organize your data. This is going to help you choose which components of your reading best support your thesis.

Entre les lignes

Entre les lignes

Diffusion : jeudi 16 février à 13h

Rediffusion : dimanche 19 février à 20h15

Anna apprend à lire et déclenche sans savoir un lot de souvenirs et de secrets que le père, orphelin, avait mis sagement de côté. C’est une histoire singulière, aux allures d’un journal tenu par l’auteur. Un père suit et enregistre l’entrée de sa fille en lecture.

Un documentaire sonore de Yves Robic.

A dissertation writing service is an less expensive and advantageous way to get high-quality have the job carried out completed by a professional writer who understands your subject

How to Get Cheap Dissertation Writing Services to Get Help with Your Job

A dissertation writing service a great way to get help with an essay, research paper, or thesis. Its an affordable and effective way to get high-quality work created by a professional writer who understands your subject. However, you must choose a good service to avoid getting subpar work or wasting money.

Finding the right Could you do my dissertation isnt an easy task, especially if you dont know where to start. You really should look for a service with an online reputation, positive feedback from customers, and a formidable commitment to quality. You can also ask friends for recommendations, but make sure to check their feedback first to ensure its unbiased.

The best cheap dissertation writing services are the ones that supply high-quality, original papers from a reasonable price. They also need to be able to deliver the work punctually and supply you with a money-back guarantee.

So its important to be aware of their background before hiring them, Some cheap dissertation services are frauds. These businesses might use many different methods to attract clients, including publishing fake client reviews and reselling plagiarized content.

If youre looking for a trustworthy and reliable service, try CheapDissertation. Theyve been in the profession for over few years and absolutely are a leading provider of academic papers for students in anyway academic levels.

Which gives you an idea of how much your paper will cost before you place your order, They have an easy-to-use website with a simple pricing calculator. The platform also includes a money-back guarantee and a plagiarism report, and that is a big plus for students.

Why Should You Read Dissertation Writing Services Reviews

The moment you buy a dissertation online, you receive a professionally written, custom paper on your subject of your own choosing. This is an excellent way to save time and keep your jobs are up to par with what exactly you need it to be.

Taking into consideration to buying dissertations, you need a service that hires professional thesis writers with degrees from your subject. These writers have a very proven track record of handling clients and have formulated many successful dissertations previously.

Moreover, these people know the way to write in a manner that is clear and accessible to both an academic and a non-academic audience. Additionally they have in mind the complexities of preparing a dissertation and can help you avoid common mistakes.

One of the biggest advantages of getting a dissertation written by an expert is that they can help you avoid plagiarism. They will rewrite your work as often since you need to ensure it is free from any form of copyright infringement.

Another advantage of using a dissertation writing service is that they can help you with your research. They will research and analyze your topic, find relevant sources, and organize it during a logical manner.

They also provide you with editing and structure help. This would be sure that your paper is meets and polished the requirements of your professor.

It is crucial to take note that for those who purchase a dissertation online, you are not receiving some paper; rather, you actually are creating a commitment to the future of your academic career. This is the reason it is vital to select a good company which provides top-quality work for an affordable price.

Uncover the Best Cheap Dissertations for You

Dissertation writing services online are a fantastic option for students who require help with their academic writing. These services offer expert writers, strong guarantees, privacy protection, and 24/7 support.

In regard to to buying a dissertation, you are looking for to be sure that you have gotten a top-notch-notch paper. It also needs to be written in the right style, even though not only does it need to be well-researched

Its also essential to get the paper originating from a writer who understands your subject. A lot of these services permit you to talk to your writer that allows you to make it a point they understand the thing you need.

The best dissertation writing services offer a variety writers with varying qualifications. Additionally place you in touch with him or her to be able to make certain they are suitable fit for your dissertation project.

And also they give you a price calculator to help you estimate the money necessary for your paper. This will depend on the deadline and your specifications, but its a good way to estimate what you can expect from them before placing an order.

This page offers an excellent range of writers, and prices are reasonable. And also they offer free revisions, to get your paper revised until you are happy along with it. Their writers dont just deliver a cheap dissertation, they make an excellent section of work which gets you an excellent grade.

Why Are You Wanting Cheap Dissertation Writers

There are many of dissertations writing services available to choose from. These services often charge a pretty penny, but they can provide great quality work. The trick is to obtain a service with high-quality writers and an easy website.

The best dissertation writers can be great for writing papers among all lengths, from one page to a thesis. They should also be able to follow instructions and write according to the format you need.

A top notch dissertation writing service should offer high-quality content, an effectively-designed website, and excellent customer satisfaction. The provider should be able to deliver by the due date, without missing your deadlines.

CheapDissertation is the cheap dissertation writing service which offers professional help withediting and research, and problem-solving. Their writers are degreed in various subjects, including engineering and business. They may complete an order in six hours or less, dependent upon the level and complexity belonging to the paper.

If youre not satisfied with your order, They also provide a money-back guarantee. There is a strict vetting process to make certain that all of their writers are qualified and skilled.

They likewise have a team of strong academics, including engineers, PhDresearchers and holders, and peer reviewers. They may handle your dissertation writing needs all the way, and they are available for all your questions around the clock. They will even do research, formatting, and referencing for you. They may be a top-notch-rated dissertation writing service and can help you accomplish the best possible results.

How to Find the best Dissertation Writing Service to Write My Dissertation Cheap

Whether youre stuck writing your dissertation or maybe just dont have time to finish it just in time, there are many professional thesis and dissertation writers available online. They will help you get it done without having to break your capacity to pay or hurting your odds of obtaining your degree.

Step one to selecting the proper write my dissertation cheap writing service is to find out what it offers. You need a professional writer who is experienced with your subject and can understand your certain requirements. They will likely have a very good perception of your topic and the research that youve used.

What is important to be looking for in the good service is a reliable team of writers which could deliver your projects by the due date. They have to have a good reputation in his or her field and have a very good solid history of delivering superior quality papers.

Except for offering high-quality content, the best dissertation writing services should also offer free revisions and plagiarism reports. These will ensure that your jobs are completely unique and doesnt possess traces of plagiarism there.

Prices vary based on the academic level and the particular work you would like. You could expect to pay around $20 per page for a PhD dissertation, $18 per page for a masters thesis and $10 for an undergraduate paper.

Glou glou – Christophe Bousquet

Glou glou – Christophe Bousquet

Diffusion : Vendredi 10 février 10h

Rediffusion : Dimanche 12 février 19h15

Ce mois-ci je vous emmène dans le massif de la Clape, à Narbonne, à la rencontre de Christophe Bousquet, domaine Pech Redon.

Mais l’histoire ne commence pas la, elle commence à Jonquières, où Christophe Bousquet a grandi, dans une famille de viticulteurs. C’est avec ses parents qu’un jour de 1988 il a fait le grand saut sur ce rocher qui surplombe la mer, pour réaliser son rêve, faire son vin.
Depuis le domaine Pech Redon est devenu une référence et Christophe Bousquet n’a eu de cesse d’approfondir une approche naturelle de la vigne. Il évoque sa manière de planter des haies en déplaçant des arbres, ce que la biodynamie lui a apporté dans le travail des sols, et le retour des troupeaux de brebis dans la Clape.

En compagnie de Thierry Guichard, La Part de l’Ange et Frédéric Lamboeuf, Le Picamandil.

Album d’histoire N°126 – BEKAR « Inconscient » 2013

Album d’histoire N°126 – BEKAR « Inconscient » 2013

Diffusion : le vendredi 27 janvier 2023

Rediffusion :
le dimanche 29 janvier 2023



Début d’année et nouvel Album d’histoire. La saga continue donc 127e vous pouvez compter les années à raison de 9 albums annuels, sauf intempéries, covid et que sais-je encore !

Nous resterons dans la chanson dite française et dans un passé pas trop lointain, comme en décembre avec Barrueco et son album Hope paru en 2018.

Cette fois ce sera BEKAR avec Inconscient nous serons en 2013.

Bekar est un musicien complet : Chant, clarinettes, basse, batterie, piano, claviers: accompagné depuis 2008 de ses musiciens et complices, « les Imposteurs », Bekar pose des sonorités klezmer sur des textes précis et percutants, en français et en yiddish.

Nous irons visiter cette année en compagnie de BEKAR…

En musique, l’année 2013 est une année importante, correspondant principalement aux 100 ans d’un des plus importants chefs-d’œuvre de l’histoire : le Sacre du printemps d’Igor Stravinsky, célébré dans le monde entier. C’est aussi l’année des 200 ans de deux compositeurs majeurs, eux aussi mondialement célébrés : Richard Wagner (né le 22 mai 1813) et Giuseppe Verdi (né le 10 octobre 1813).

Marseille et Košice deviennent capitales européennes de la culture… Montpellier 2028 peut s’en inspirer.

L’opération Serval au Mali par l’Armée française est lancée en janvier 2013.

C’est le cinquantième anniversaire du traité de l’Élysée.

L’Argentin Jorge Mario Bergoglio est élu pape et prend le nom de François.

Xi Jinping est élu président de la République populaire de Chine par l’Assemblée nationale populaire.

La loi autorisant le mariage entre personnes de même sexe est promulguée en France.

C’est le début des révélations d’Edward Snowden sur les activités de la NSA, publiées dans The Guardian.

Hassan Rohani est investi président de la république islamique d’Iran

Un naufrage à Lampedusa d’une embarcation transportant 500 migrants clandestins, la catastrophe provoque 366 victimes.

C’est la mort de Nelson Mandela.

Nous irons nous promener avec vous en 2013 à travers quelques évènements marquants ;

Question notre président il s’appelait ?

Bravo : François HOLLANDE !

Y’a deux écoles

Y’a deux écoles

Diffusion : jeudi 12 janvier à 13h

Rediffusion : dimanche 15 janvier à 20h15

Chaque matin, Delphine Saltel emprunte avec ses filles le chemin de l’école. Mais à un moment le flot des familles se divise en deux. Beaucoup de parents, y compris d’origine étrangère et de milieu populaire, ont fait pour leurs enfants le choix du privé. Delphine a choisi l’école publique où ses filles sont parmi les rares « blanches » de leur classe. Pourquoi choisit-on une école plutôt que l’autre ? Que dit la sociologie ? Et que valent mes convictions face au réel ? En interrogeant des parents, des enfants, des spécialistes et ses propres angoisses, Delphine Saltel pose à la première personne les enjeux d’un débat brûlant. Prix Longueur d’Ondes de la création documentaire 2017

Série documentaire de Delphine Saltel

Y’a deux écoles (1) : les deux fleuves

Y’a deux écoles (2) : le passage à niveau

Y’a deux écoles (3) : les vases communicants

Y’a deux écoles (4) : l’autre rive